J. Michael Straczynski is the creator of landmark TV shows such as Babylon 5 and Sense8. He also wrote comic books such as The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor (both the movie and the comic book), and Superman: Earth One. J. Michael Straczynski was also one of the primary writers for beloved 1980s children's cartoons such as He-Man, She-Ra and The Real Ghostbusters.
His new autobiography is Becoming Superman: My Journey from Poverty to Hollywood.
J. Michael Straczynski reflects on an almost unbelievable childhood full of hardship, struggle, and abuse -- and how he overcame it all to become one of the most influential voices in all of American and global popular culture. He shares life lessons about triumphing over adversity and how pain can be fuel. Straczynski also reflects on the craft of writing and offers advice and insight about how fiction writers should best take on political and social issues in a dire moment such as the Age of Trump.
He also shares his thoughts on if his TV series Babylon 5 was copied by Star Trek Deep Space Nine, and what really happened with his script for the World War Z movie.
On this week's show Chauncey DeVega shares his thoughts on special counsel Mueller's testimony before Congress and why he was apparently afraid to tell the whole truth about the Trump's traitorous relationship with Russia. Chauncey also shares his thoughts on Quentin Tarantino's new film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
And at the end of this week's show, Chauncey admires a wonderful man who is a real life superhero, that like Spider-Man, climbed 15 stories up the side of a burning building in Philadelphia to save his mother.